Friends and Graduates of GCCS,

In 2018, Gloucester County Christian School asked for your help. Like many Christian schools, GCCS was experiencing challenging times. Expenses continued to increase but enrollment, the primary source of revenue, continued to decrease. Historically, enrollment at GCCS hit an all-time high of 420 students in 2004-2005. Our average enrollment during a 12-year period was 375. But in the four years previous to 2018 we had seen a steady decline of our enrollment to 250 students for the 2017-2018 school year. Losing the annual tuition revenue of well over 100 students in such a short period of time had a drastic effect on our budget. While not in debt, GCCS had to tap into financial reserves to balance our budget in order to continue providing a quality Christian education. But reserves only last so long, and so we sought financial help from those who believe in what GCCS stands for and provides.

In light of this struggle, the administration and school board started in faith a Tuition Assistance Fund.  The fund is intended to provide a tuition benefit as an incentive for new families to enroll, as well as to help those that want to keep their children at GCCS but are finding it difficult to meet their financial obligations. Thankfully God has blessed GCCS and allowed the TAF program to be a success and help many families since it’s induction. In connection with this and in spite of a global pandemic, God has provided an increase in enrollment each year as well, bringing our student body to over 330 students in the 2021-2022 schoolyear.

With this God-given success in mind, we are continuing our outreach to alumni and friends of GCCS asking for your help to continue to generate the funds needed to support our GCCS families. Our online giving option through Donorbox is a great avenue to extend your donation. Your charitable contribution can be designated for the Tuition Assistance Fund or, if you so desire, other areas of need. You can make a one-time donation or set up an automatic monthly contribution. Of course, donations are gladly received by check or money order if you prefer.

Please pray that the leadership of GCCS will continue to make wise decisions in God’s will, and we encourage you to prayerfully consider how you can help support GCCS. We are trusting God to continue to provide, and one part of that is you. Thank you for your support and continued prayers for our school. We encourage you to pass this information on to other friends of our Christian school that may want to help.


Seeking to honor Him,

The GCCS School Board & Administration

Links to:

            Tuition Assistance Fund:

            GCCS Donations Webpage:

            GCCS Website