FAQ (Google Doc Link)

The process outlined on this page of our website is to be followed only after a family & student tour has taken place.

Some forms for the admissions application are available online, but currently must be completed by hand and submitted to the school office to begin the admissions process.

In the near future, we will have electronic forms that can be submitted via email.

Please ensure that all required forms are filled in completely and signed and dated.

This will make the application and enrollment processes run smoothly.

Application Form & Fee (one-time, one per family)

Student Application & Application Fee

A New & Homeschool Student Application (Google) Form is required to initiate the admissions application process at GCCS for new students with no prior enrollment at the school.

This form includes a parent contract for financial commitment, support, prayer, and involvement.

A link to the form is emailed to the family at the end of their school campus tour.

Parental Testimony Form

This form should be completed by the parents to provide their testimony of salvation, explaining how the Lord Jesus Christ has saved and transformed your life by his gospel.

This form is required for the admission application to be processed completely.

Church/Pastor-Family Recommendation Form

This form should be completed by one of your pastors to provide a recommendation from your local church regarding your commitment to Christ and the Christian Education of your children.

Additional Required Forms for 7th-12th Applications

Youth Worker-Student Spiritual Recommendation Form

This form is required for all High School applications and should be completed by a local church youth worker, such as a Sunday School Teacher, Youth Pastor, or a youth leader.

High School applications will not be considered completed without the submission of this form.

Adult-Student Character Recommendation Form

This form is required for all High School applications and should be completed by an adult who knows the applicant well.

This reference must be different than any other references used on application forms, such as the Church or Youth Workers Recommendation Form.

High School applications will not be considered completed without the submission of this form.

Faculty-Student Academic Recommendation Form

This form can be submitted to assist in the admissions process if completed by an existing faculty member or teacher of the applying student.

Enrollment Forms & Fee (needed for school/class registration)

Enrollment Fee (one per student per year attending)

Birth Certificate

New students will need to have a birth certificate added to their application information.

Please bring in the original and the office will place a copy of it in the student’s file.

Google Use Permission Form

This form should be completed by the parents to provide permission for the creation of a school email for the students and provide access to Google-based educational tools for both parents and students.

State Forms

B6T Transportation Form (2023-2024)

This is an official State of New Jersey Form from the Department of Education, Office of Student Transportation.

This form should be completed and returned to GCCS for processing prior to the deadline date stated on the form by the state.

This form is used to identify state transportation options available for your child and/or eligibility for a transportation refund.